A Manual of Programs and Procedures for Buildings, Grounds, Equipment
This is a booklet for workers who use chemicals to remove graffiti. Many workers use graffiti removal products daily. They may be painters, laborers, custodians, bus cleaners, phone booth cleaners, or others. Some workers remove graffiti as one small part of their jobs, but others do so for the entire work day. The products used to remove graffiti, and the job conditions, can be hazardous to your health and safety.
This booklet will help you understand these hazards.
Diese Information wurde von der Berufsgenossenschaft der Straßen-, U-Bahnen und Eisenbahnen und der Eisenbahn-Unfallkasse unter Beteiligung des Fachausschusses „Bahnen“ der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung erarbeitet.
Glossary of terms of the cleaning industry in German
Das Glossar der Termini der reinigenden Industrie deutsch
Überbetrieblicher Kurs
Zürcher Lehrmeistervereinigung
As the peak summer transportation approaches, cleaning staff at the train station are required to finish the cleaning within five minutes in order to insure that the train departs on schedule.
Possibly the world's fastest cleaners are the team responsible for cleaning the Japanese bullet train between each journey.
The team is said to be able to clean an entire train in seven minutes flat.
Im vorliegenden Konzept wird die Innenreini- gung und die Außenreinigung des Zuges Desiro Rus beschrieben.
Содержание/ Inhaltsverzeichnis
Ochrana památek před graffiti
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