Einflußfaktoren auf den Waschprozeß
- Prozeßablauf (Programmierung)
- Dosierung des Waschmittels
- Temperatur
- Füllmenge
- Flottenverhältnis
- Trocknungstemperatur
Bedeutung, Definition und Entstehung eines Leistungsmaßes
Eines der Hauptprobleme bei der Abgabe und Bewertung seriöser Angebote stellen die sogenannten Leistungszahlen (Quadratmeterleistung pro Stunde) dar. Pauschal festgelegte Leistungszahlen sind unseriös und meist vollkommen unrealistisch. Nicht selten liegen die Unterschiede zwischen den Anbietern bei mehreren hundert Prozent.
This business plan kit is directly related to your freedom, your personal and financial freedom. Whether you are retired, currently working, or a recent college graduate, this business plan kit provides valuable information for starting a carpet cleaning company. This business plan kit is for those individuals who:
• Are passionate about owning a carpet cleaning company
• Want a better work/life balance
• Want the flexibility of running their own business
• Want the pride and fulfillment that comes with owning their
As cleaning industry consultants, my partner Brent Bourne and I hear the word almost on a daily basis from clients who need to increase the productivity of their cleaning staff and from sales reps promoting the productivity benefits of their equipment, tools or cleaning solutions. But what is productivity and how is it achieved?
How to plan and implement a team cleaning program in your facility.
As the peak summer transportation approaches, cleaning staff at the train station are required to finish the cleaning within five minutes in order to insure that the train departs on schedule.
Possibly the world's fastest cleaners are the team responsible for cleaning the Japanese bullet train between each journey.
The team is said to be able to clean an entire train in seven minutes flat.