Personnel hygiene (Theme)

Folder it is information-educational materials

It is developed of IICB 


Персональная гигиена


Information-educational theme

Course "Technologies and methods of internal cleaning works"


Personal hygiene fulfills the purpose of maintaining the personnel’s health and the safety of workers and customers.


  • Clothes and uniforms that are suitable for work, clean and neat
  • Hair net as necessary
  • Hand soap
  • Nail scrub brush
  • Personal identification badge
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, breathing protection and safety glasses where necessary
  • Shoes with soles appropriate to the job. Non slip if necessary.


1. Before You Arrive At Work
Cleanliness on the job requires a shower daily and a change to clean underclothing. Use Deodorant. Trim fingernails. Brush teeth and hair properly everyday. Limit the use of heavy scents. Use PPE when appropriate.

2. Skin Care
One of the most effective methods to control cross-contamination in the workplace is thorough hand washing. In medical environments hands should be washed after performing duties around a patient area and before continuing on to the next area. Always wash hands before and after eating or using the restroom.

3. Proper hand washing
Apply hand soap to hands. Massage the fingers and knuckles. Scrub fingernails with a nail brush. When cleaning isolation areas and areas with a high risk of cross contamination wash vigorously for two minutes to three minutes while the water is running.

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